Monday, September 11, 2006

Want success at teaching English?

You know what? I just can't remember who said it, but I consider it paramount to mention it. She was an American lady, a brilliant scholar, who was it?, who was it? I read it somewhere... Anyway, let's go ahead (sorry, ma'am about this forgetting). It's about what is the single factor of success at learning a language (so as well at teaching it...): attitude. Yes, please, ponder it: the person who really, really wants to learn, say, English, will move the world if necessary to actually learn it... and I know singular people who seem they'll achieve this goal. That person will put the means for this objective: if he or she attends classes, he or she will for sure make good use of time, means, classes, study, practice, communication with other people in the target language (language is a thing of two at least!). Thus, attitude is the motor that moves the learner to strive for actual learning. Now, could we talk with our students to promote, to foster, to encourage that attitude and try to remove the problems that hinder the learner from learning? -In August I posted the Factors for Success, for further reference.


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