Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Aural games list!

I learned some of the following games at Altocastillo School, Jaen, of Attendis Group ( I found others everywhere, you may know some of them; others were invented by me or modified in some way or another. The key thing is that they introduce fun in your class and plenty of practice...

The following activities are mainly of the output type. In your class, as well a lot of input should be provided. Give them points for their scores!

Games can be applied just to foster communication and output, but also it is sound to think of an objective and then “invent” a game that covers that aim.

1. Work out survival-topics lists.
2. Watch and exploit movies.
3. "Simon says" (for young learners!).
4. Hangman.
5. Guess a famous person I pretend to be by asking me yes/no questions.
6. Make out words with given letters.
7. Who knows...? (as a basic starter: animal, some food, etc.).
8. Personal questions to the students.
9. The teacher describes a picture the students don't see, and then some follow-up.
10. One student describes a picture which the others can't see...

11. The teacher defines/describes a word and the students've got to say the word.
12. One student defines a word and the others have to find out what the word is.

(To be continued!)


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